June 22nd - 29th 2024

Learn about urban renewal through neighborhood beautification initiatives, partner with social service organizations and assist with minor home repair projects.

About Niagara Falls

Serving in Niagara Falls

Your group will come alongside existing organizations to meet ongoing needs through food and clothing distribution, home repair projects, community beautification projects, and youth programming at a local community center. After the service day, you’ll learn more about the community by participating in Evening Activities where you’ll experience some of the hardships of those living in poverty, visit the beauty of the Falls and share a time of fellowship with partners and community members. YouthWorks has been serving in Niagara Falls since 2003.
  • Partner with local organizations to meet ongoing needs in the community.
  • Serve through community beautification projects, weeding, gardening, cleaning, painting, yard work or doing other minor work projects.
  • During the week, students may serve at one or more of the service options.
  • Note that Youth Programming does not start until the last week of June, so service before that point will primarily focus on work projects and partnering with other local service organizations.
  • Groups will need to plan for an additional $10-$15 per vehicle for activities at Niagara Falls.