This Week: Sept. 15-21

Humility at the Table: Learning from Jesus’ Dinner Parable

In this week's sermon, based on Luke 14:7-14, we explored Jesus' teachings on humility and generosity. Through the Parable of the Wedding Feast, Jesus challenges us to avoid self-promotion and instead embrace humility. He also calls us to practice true hospitality by inviting those who cannot repay us—reflecting God's own generosity.

Table of Contents

Key Points:

  1. Choosing Humility: Jesus warns against seeking honor for ourselves. Instead, humility leads to true exaltation.
    "For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted" (Luke 14:11).

  2. Radical Hospitality: We are encouraged to welcome and bless those who cannot repay us—reflecting God's grace.
    "When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind" (Luke 14:13).

5-Day Devotional

Day 1: The Desire for Honor
Scripture Reference: Luke 14:7
Jesus noticed the guests seeking places of honor. Are there areas in your life where you seek recognition or approval? Today, reflect on how pursuing honor can distract you from God's call to humility.

Prayer Prompt:
"Lord, help me to seek Your approval above all and release my desire for worldly recognition." 
Day 2: Choosing the Lower Place
Scripture Reference: Luke 14:10
Jesus teaches us to choose the lower place, allowing God to exalt us in His time. What would it look like to live with true humility today?

Prayer Prompt:
"Father, guide me to embrace humility in my relationships and trust You to lift me up when the time is right." 
Day 3: Radical Hospitality
Scripture Reference: Luke 14:12-13
Jesus calls us to invite those who cannot repay us. How can you extend hospitality to those who are often overlooked?

Prayer Prompt:
"God, open my eyes to those in need around me, and help me to offer love and hospitality without expectation of return." 
Day 4: Giving Without Expecting
Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:3-4
True generosity comes from giving without expecting repayment. Reflect on the ways you can give freely and bless others in your life.

Prayer Prompt:
"Lord, teach me to give selflessly and remind me that the greatest reward is found in Your love." 
Day 5: Humility and Reward
Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 5:6
Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Trust in God's timing for honor and reward.

Prayer Prompt:
"Father, I humble myself before You, trusting that in due time You will lift me up according to Your will." 
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