Pauses for Lent Day 33

Pauses for Lent by Trevor Hudson
Day 33 Word: PRAY
Scripture: “(Jesus) was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”  Luke 11:1

Many people long for a firsthand, interactive relationship with God. They want to know how to communicate with God. In other words, they want to learn how to pray.

The early disciples also want to know how to pray, so they ask Jesus to teach them. Significantly, this is the only time they ask to be taught anything! When they make this request, Jesus gives them what we call the Lord’s Prayer. (Luke 11:2-4).

Many assume that if we just say the words to the Lord’s Prayer then we are praying. But this is far from the truth. These words need to be entered into, lived in, meditated on, as well as spoken. Lent is a good time to begin to learn to pray.

Comment from Marie: : When our Bible THUMBS group decided to study the Lord’s Prayer, I was wondering if there would be enough material for such a study. I was pleased to learn the prayer is deep, rich, and relevant enough to be studied for extended periods of time with no problem. It is a good way to establish the interactive relationship with God that we all seek. Prayer is a personal and powerful way to talk to God. Just do it! What are your thoughts on today’s word?

1 Comment

susan - March 22nd, 2024 at 8:42am

Our THUMBS study on the Lord's Prayer was indeed very thoughtful and enriching. Pray. Such a simple word and such a powerful one. Our connection to God.