Pauses for Lent Day 22

Pauses for Lent by Trevor Hudson
Day 22 Word: REST
Scripture: “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  
Matthew 11:28

            Most of us know what it means to feel fatigued. Fatigue ambushes us when we work too hard, when we get up too early and go to bed too late, when we try balancing too many demands, or when relationships cause conflict, and pain. It comes when we live beyond our spiritual, emotional, and physical means.

            Jesus wants to gift us with rest. Not only did God model rest in the creation story but God also demands we rest too.

            Rest has many ingredients. Besides stopping work and learning to relax, it also includes getting adequate sleep. When we do this, we find that we live more joyful, creative, and fruitful lives. When we don’t, fatigue takes over and brings failure in many areas of our tired lives.

Comment from Marie: We are beautifully and wonderfully made and God created us with the need to rest. So, in my opinion, resting is beautiful and wonderful. Rest is a deposit into ourselves so we can make withdrawals when needed. As such, it’s important to live within our physical, emotional, and spiritual means. Please share your thoughts on today’s word.

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