Pauses for Lent Day 17

Pauses for Lent by Trevor Hudson
Day 17 Word: TREASURE
Scripture: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Matthew 6:21

            Each one of us has treasures. As young children, our treasures might have been a special toy or blanket. As adults, we continue to have treasures. But now they might be a bank account, car, or house.
            Jesus teaches that we can store treasures either on earth or in heaven. Earth’s treasures pass away. On Earth, “moth and trust consume” and “thieves break in and steal” (Matt. 6:19). Or we could say earth is where stock markets crash, computer files corrupt, and accidents damage.
            Heaven’s treasures, on the other hand, are eternal. We invest in heavenly treasures when we invest in God’s work in the lives of others and in the care of all created things.

Marie's comment: I love to go to garage & estate sales, thrift stores, and other places to hunt for treasure. But I need to be careful that this pleasure doesn’t consume me. There are those who are compulsive about buying things and that may be where their heart is. Let not our hearts be tied to our treasures, however big or small, but to God and doing God’s work. Please share your thoughts on today’s word.


Sharon A. - March 4th, 2024 at 11:29am

My nephew recently contacted me about a sewing machine that has been in our family since 1953. He will be moving out of state and asked if I would like this vintage Singer that originally belonged to my mother. I have special memories of Mom using this machine to make clothes for me and also the square dance dresses she wore. While it was tempting to hold on to this earthly treasure, I don't sew and there isn't space for it in our home. I could picture this cabinet machine sitting in the basement covered with dust. My nephew learned about a mission project where donated sewing machines are taken to Mexico and given to people who need them. This was an opportunity for us to "invest in God's work in the lives of others." Mom would be pleased that her sewing machine is being used and appreciated. I still have a photograph and warm memories to treasure.

Marie - March 4th, 2024 at 7:37pm

Thanks for sharing that heart warming story Sharon. It illustrates how things aren't as important as giving and doing God's work.