Pauses for Lent Day 11
Pauses for Lent: Day 11
Word for Day 11: ABBA
Scripture: “Abba, Father, for you all things are possible.” Mark 14:36
Abba is a special word Jesus uses to address God. Roman Catholic priest Albert Nolan points out, “As a way of addressing and referring to God, it was unique.” This term combines deep reverence, warm intimacy, and confident trust that displays the kind of relationship Jesus shares with his heavenly Father.
But Jesus takes this term on step further. Jesus tells his disciples to say, “Father.” We all can share in the same kind of intimate relationship with God that Jesus has. When we open our hearts to the Spirit of Jesus, we are enabled to carry out, “Abba.” We can also begin to live as Abba’s children knowing we are deeply loved and cherished, held in that timeless embrace from which we can never be separated.
Comment from Marie: I never used the term ABBA when referring to my earthly father but I often called him Dad or Daddy. That term for me was an expression of the warm intimacy and confident trust I had for my earthly father, the same that I feel for my heavenly Father. It is so good to know we can relate to God in this way, whether or not we had an earthly father we could trust, and to know God loves us as precious children. Please share your thoughts on today’s word.
Word for Day 11: ABBA
Scripture: “Abba, Father, for you all things are possible.” Mark 14:36
Abba is a special word Jesus uses to address God. Roman Catholic priest Albert Nolan points out, “As a way of addressing and referring to God, it was unique.” This term combines deep reverence, warm intimacy, and confident trust that displays the kind of relationship Jesus shares with his heavenly Father.
But Jesus takes this term on step further. Jesus tells his disciples to say, “Father.” We all can share in the same kind of intimate relationship with God that Jesus has. When we open our hearts to the Spirit of Jesus, we are enabled to carry out, “Abba.” We can also begin to live as Abba’s children knowing we are deeply loved and cherished, held in that timeless embrace from which we can never be separated.
Comment from Marie: I never used the term ABBA when referring to my earthly father but I often called him Dad or Daddy. That term for me was an expression of the warm intimacy and confident trust I had for my earthly father, the same that I feel for my heavenly Father. It is so good to know we can relate to God in this way, whether or not we had an earthly father we could trust, and to know God loves us as precious children. Please share your thoughts on today’s word.
1 Comment
Parenting teenagers in these difficult times can be challenging. It is a joy to see the "Abba" kind of relationship our son has with his 15 & 19 year old daughters.